While I was pregnant with Calvin, I looked forward to all of the holidays I would get to spend with him in my belly - his first of almost every major holiday with me and Louie. I found out I was Continue Reading »
the absence of pain
While I was pregnant with Calvin, I had this sharp pain in my lower back; it was mostly on the right side, but sometimes it would move to the left. It started early in my pregnancy. I would feel it Continue Reading »
A Place for Calvin’s Ashes
The hardest part about looking for an urn for my baby was having to acknowledge my baby's death. Each picture I looked at, every description of dimension and size – it was like being told over and Continue Reading »
Did my body already know?
I was randomly opening up an old journal and found this in an entry dated October 30, 2001: (Oh yeah, more of Dream 2): was pregnant but it was weird. it's like a bubble. belly button is popping Continue Reading »
Signs of My Baby
It wasn't until I was on my way to work that I remembered dreaming about Calvin. It was almost like the day in the hospital, when they brought him into the room so we could hold him. Except he was Continue Reading »