I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to see this on YouTube so quickly (I did search for it). I wanted to share this video of Legaci with you because I am so proud of these guys, and because you really get to see them on camera (they are the four guys on the left singing backup for Justin B.). I think it’s so cute that they’re doing choreography and was laughing (in a good way) whenever they were on camera. My brother-in-law is the one in the gray fedora.
Before you watch, I did want to say, It should have been Conan O’Brien! Sigh. I think Calvin and Rainbow would have enjoyed it better. The funniest thing was “Bieber or Die”; I like the Chuck E Cheese part (go YouTube it if you haven’t seen it!).
Micah, Dom, Del and Chris, I stayed up late to watch you guys and will blame you if I’m super tired at work tomorrow!
P.S. I will be posting the “Walking with You” Thread’s of Hope, Pieces of Joy bible study lessons 4, 5, and 6 tomorrow. So yes, Kelly, I will be caught up this week :).
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