Calvin Phoenix is my first child. He was stillborn in March 2009. Calvin’s Cupcakes is his legacy.
Later that year, I became pregnant again, but our Rainbow baby left this world before the end of the year.
After struggling with infertility, we were blessed again. The positive pregnancy test came the day before my birthday. Gaelen Evangeline joined her siblings in heaven in March 2011.
I started a combination of eastern and western medicine approaches. Charlie Bastian, our living rainbow, our earth baby, made his dramatic entrance into this world in the summer of 2012.
At the end of 2013, we were surprised by baby number five. Our Pixel Clementine left us too soon the day before Thanksgiving.
In 2016, we were surprised again with another little one. After a difficult pregnancy, our preemie, Samuel Rain, was born in April 2017.
I have four in heaven and two earth. I carry each of them in my heart. They are my inspiration for Dandiewinks.