As some of you know, I hurt my arm a few weeks ago, and am on the slow road to recovery from repetitive strain/stress injuries that have me on prescription anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxing drugs as well as occupational therapy. And to answer Holly’s question on the last post, it is a work related injury (I spend a lot of time on the computer). That’s why I have over 300 unread posts in Google Reader and have been so out of touch with my friends on Facebook, BabyCenter, and Twitter. I think I’m starting to heal, but it will be awhile until I am all fixed.
Last week, in addition to the running around and tests for my arm issues, I also had an appointment with a nurse practitioner at Kaiser. I scheduled it over a month ago, because I wanted to talk to my caregiver about transferring my medical information from UCSF and give her a head’s up about everything that happened to me and losing my two babies. It was difficult being in the obgyn department and having to lay on the exam table in the dressing gown. The NP told me I looked sad, and I explained that it was hard being back in a hospital and that their due dates were so close. Her response was one of the best things anyone could have said to me: I would have heartache, too. On my way out, as I was waiting to schedule an appointment with a counselor, I watched a newly pregnant couple as they were told, We’ll schedule your 18-week ultrasound. Congratulations!
These past few week’s have been challenging for me. And that may be an understatement.
I feel like my body is breaking down, and I feel lost about my career goals and what I really want to do. Most of all, I just feel so heartbroken – especially tonight. It’s August 3rd, and I know what could have been. I was going to write should have been, but I know that in the greater scheme of God’s plan, everything *is* as it should be. Knowing that, however, doesn’t make it hurt any less right now, and it doesn’t stop my heart from feeling like I should have a baby in my arms and a toddler clambering into my lap.There is no “either Calvin or Rainbow.” We could have had them both.
I’ve been told that grief comes in waves, and today, I was overcome by a big one.
It was/is the sobbing, whimpering kind of grief. The kind with lots of tears and a runny nose that turns stuffy and makes it hard to breath. The kind that leaves you feeling breathless. That makes you feel both heavy and empty at the same time.
I wish I knew what it was like to have a pregnancy that ends with a living child. I wish I knew what it was like to raise two children almost exactly a year apart, to hold them both in my arms and be oblivious to the world of baby loss. But that isn’t my life – not yet, not in this world.
So I’ll just continue to bow my head in thankfulness for this aching love and cradle my babies in my heart.
we love you Ate! please don’t lose hope! i just have that feeling & KNOW you’ll be Blessed with your bundles of joy in the future– you WILL! trust God’s plan & His Timing. You give hope to so many people, I’m not sure you even realize how many hearts you touch.
I hope your arm continues to heal and that it heals quickly! It can’t be easy having a bum arm! Sending you a loving hug!! I always hate when the grief comes in a big wave but I know it’s just part of this new territory.
I’m thinking of you and wishing there was more we could say or do. I pray that one day you will hold a living child of your own, but the love you feel for Calvin and rainbow is such a precious thing even if it does mean more pain.
I am sending lots of love to you all.
I’m sorry your feeling so much pain. I wish I could give you an answer as to why this has happened to you. I wish I could say something to make you feel better, but we both know there are no words that can take away your pain. I can only hope you find some peace. (((HUGS)))
I am so sorry your hurting so much today. Thinking of you! You are an amazing mommy. ((HUGS))
I am so very sorry ~ heartache upon heartache. You are absolutely right about the waves of grief!
You are a wonderful mother ~ HONORING your babies the way you do. I know it isn’t the mother you or any of us ever thought we would be. But I believe (for what it is worth) that Calvin and Rainbow are watching you and giving you kisses in the breeze and hugs on a sunny day.
I wish you had your babies in your arms too. I’m so sorry that you don’t. I’m glad you had an understanding NP.